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In the fast-paced world of sales, hiring the right people can mean the difference between a thriving business or startup and one that's struggling to meet important deadlines. But, with many potential candidates and limited interview time, how do you sift through the noise and identify the true top producers for your team?

Here’s my secret to interviewing a salesperson: the two-question interview. 

Yes, there will be follow-up questions after these two, but these are a great way to screen candidates quickly and efficiently to see if it's worth your time to get to know someone a little better.

Let’s take a look at the two questions to ask in a sales interview.

Question #1: Tell Me About Your Best Sale Ever 

When a candidate talks about their best sale, you aren't looking for a great story. The candidate should demonstrate: 

  • Prospecting: How did they prospect for the sale? How did they leverage their network, referrals, or other relationships? Were they bold, or did it just fall in their lap? 
  • A Focus on Impact: Did they understand the problem and how their solution could be applied? Were they able to recognize key players in the process and think ahead to renewal time?
  • A Knack for Resiliency: Did they face any objections? How did they navigate through them?

Question #2: Describe Your Sales Process

A top producer salesperson isn't just born – they're disciplined, methodical, and adaptable. They invest in themselves, and they understand their own sales process. This question aims to uncover the following:

Structured Approach

Do they have a step-by-step strategy from initial prospecting to closing? How do they prioritize leads, and what benchmarks do they use to measure success at each stage? Does it line up with your sales process at all?

Technological Integration

In today’s digital era, a salesperson’s ability to effectively use CRM tools, data analytics, and other relevant software can significantly enhance their performance. How integrated are these tools in their selling process? And more importantly, are they continually learning about new tools and methods to stay ahead of the curve?

Adaptability & Learning

Every sales cycle has its unique challenges. How do they adapt when things don’t go as planned? Are they quick to tweak their strategies based on feedback and outcomes? Their ability to be reflective and learn from experiences is a key indicator of their future successes.

Those questions help you identify a good salesperson. After these questions, you'll have a clearer picture of the candidate in front of you. These are not just questions but tools to probe deeper into the essence of a candidate’s sales philosophy and practice. They help discern between someone who just had a couple of good sales from someone who consistently performs and has a repeatable strategy for success.

Furthermore, it’s essential to remember the context of these answers in alignment with your company's values, goals, and the product or service you’re selling. The best salespeople not only excel in their craft but resonate with the company's mission and are genuinely passionate about what they’re selling.

So, the next time you find yourself on the interviewer's side of the table, arm yourself with these two questions. They could very well lead you to your next sales superstar, someone who drives growth, embodies the spirit of your company, and forges genuine connections with clients.

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