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Self Development

If you're reading this article, chances are you're already a successful business owner, entrepreneur, manager or salesperson. Perhaps you're coming off a great year and are determined to maintain that momentum. Or you're establishing/revising your game plan to attain new revenue or income heights.

In the world we live in, where the pace is just relentless, and the stakes seem to rise with every hour, the best in the business understand: you have to stay the course. 

In my early days as a professional, I quickly learned the importance of resilience. There have been plenty of challenges, but the things that were so rewarding and beneficial to me were the things that took a lot of work. 

Tune in to this episode to discover the benefits of AI coaching in unlocking your full potential with Meg Price, co-founder and director of Noa Coach. Find out how AI can provide guidance and support in your personal and professional growth.

You may feel like you have no problem failing because it feels like it comes so much easier than success. But have you dug deep into what you need to learn from failure to get to your next big success? This is a question that can transform your life if you allow it.

The issue isn't the failure itself. It's that we often don't understand the essence of failure; the lessons embedded in those hard knocks. Sandler's first rule simply states, "You have to learn to fail to win." It's not an oxymoron. It's a profound truth that many successful people understand.

True sales professionals understand and appreciate the mental and emotional aspects of selling. It is a key factor in determining the extent of their sales success and, ultimately, the size of their paycheck.

Selling is about more than just...

Let's face it, receiving negative or constructive feedback on our performance can be incredibly difficult because we want so badly to do a great job. I know, I know, you're thinking it's all about how it's delivered to us that counts. True, but not true. Even when criticism is delivered in the right way, it is still difficult to keep our reactions and emotions in check. Unless you have a really strong understanding of the theory and application of I/R theory!

On this episode from the How To Succeed podcast, we have Stephanie van Dam discussing how to become fearless. She believes that in order to overcome fear and reach the next level of success, one needs to break through the fear and take action.

In this episode, we sit down with Phil Johnson, the founder of the Master of Business Leadership program, to discuss the importance of emotional intelligence (EQ) and how influential it is to drive revenue, productivity, and profitability.

In this episode, Dr. Benjamin Hardy will show you how to create the life you want by being your future self now! He'll explain why it's so important to have clarity on what you want and how to actually achieve it.

Tim Goering, Sandler trainer and expert in drama and trigger conversations, talks about how to recognize your own DISC behavioral styles and your personality triggers.